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Headword: *)aristogei/twn
Adler number: alpha,3912
Translated headword: Aristogiton, Aristogeiton
Vetting Status: high
Son of Cydimachus or Lysimachus, of Athens.[1] Rhetor. His mother was a freedwoman. He was nicknamed 'Dog' because of his shamelessness. He was put to death by the Athenians. His speeches were: Defence in reply to Demosthenes the general,[2] In reply to Lycurgus, Prosecution of Timotheus, Prosecution of Timarchus,[3] Prosecution of Hyperides, Prosecution of Thrasyllus. Orphan Speech.
Investigate this Aristogiton: perhaps he is the comrade of Harmodius.[4]
Greek Original:
*)aristogei/twn, *kudima/xou h)\ *lusima/xou, *)aqhnai=os, r(h/twr, mhtro\s de\ a)peleuqerikh=s: o(/stis e)pekalei=to ku/wn dia\ th\n a)nai/deian au)tou=. e)foneu/qh de\ u(po\ *)aqhnai/wn, lo/gous poih/sas, *)apologi/an pro\s *dhmosqe/nhn to\n strathgo\n, *pro\s *lukou=rgon, *kata\ *timoqe/ou, *kata\ *tima/rxou, *kata\ *(uperi/dou, *kata\ *qrasu/llou, *)orfaniko/n. zh/tei peri\ tou=de tou= *)aristogei/tonos, mh/pote/ e)stin ou(=tos o( *(armodi/ou e(tai=ros.
[1] Identical with [alpha 3913] Aristogiton. See generally RE Aristogeiton(2); NP Aristogeiton(2); and further below, under Bibliography.
[2] Adler (addenda) notes Gutschmid's proposed emendation to Defence of the generals in reply to Demosthenes.
[3] See under tau 595.
[4] Chronologically impossible, with almost two centuries separating them (for Aristogiton and Harmodius the C6 tyrannicides see alpha 3975, and OCD(4) 156-7); and there is no reason to think they were even related.
R. Develin, Athenian Officials 684-321 BC (Cambridge 1989) no.397
M.H. Hansen, The Athenian Ecclesia, II (Copenhagen 1989) 36-7
Keywords: biography; chronology; ethics; geography; history; law; military affairs; rhetoric; women
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 12 June 2000@10:41:51.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified headword and keyword; added bibliography; cosmetics) on 11 October 2000@03:49:51.
David Whitehead (added note) on 27 June 2001@07:04:00.
David Whitehead (added keywords; cosmetics) on 24 August 2002@11:45:47.
David Whitehead (added keyword) on 24 August 2002@11:46:50.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 12 April 2012@05:02:53.
David Whitehead (another note and keyword) on 24 January 2014@08:10:41.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 31 July 2014@03:28:50.
David Whitehead (coding) on 31 August 2015@05:36:12.


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