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Search results for alpha,207 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,207
Translated headword: without a taste of the feast
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning someone] living a (?)refined life.[1] Also [sc. attested is the plural] a)/geustoi, [meaning those] lacking experience.[2]
[Something] "lacking taste"[3] has four meanings: either that which is lacking flavor as yet, but capable of being given flavor, like water -- for being inert it is capable of having flavor imparted to it; or that which is subject to the other senses, like sound; or that which has a small amount of taste, like the watery kinds of porridge; or that which has a bad taste, like poisons. And [it is] clear that the sense of taste partakes of some of these things and some not. And in the case of the other senses also these four significations are recognized. They say that [the distinction between] that which is drinkable and undrinkable [are] the beginnings of tasting. For the first distinction taste makes is between these things. For it is especially in moist conditions that even the flavor arising from a mixture of dry elements is recognizable; and just as a drink becomes drinkable through the admixture of good flavor, thus also it becomes undrinkable through the admixture of undrinkable flavor. But both, that is, both the drinkable and the undrinkable, [are] tastable. And the undrinkable [is] tastable not as a fulfillment of the sense of taste but as something destructive to it because of the awfulness of the flavor. But the drinkable [is tastable] as something that preserves and fulfills that which is tastable by nature. Therefore the drinkable and the undrinkable are the beginnings of what is tastable. And since that which is drinkable [is] moist, and moistness is perceivable by the sense of touch, thus moistness is touchable and that which has such a flavor is tastable. This is something common to the senses of touch and taste: in the case of touch it is one of the specific things that it senses; in the case of taste it is the stuff and the vehicle of the tastes.
Greek Original:*)/ageustos qoi/nhs: a)stei/ws bi/ou e)/xwn. kai\ *)/ageustoi, a)/peiroi. *)/ageuston, tetraxw=s: h)\ ga\r to\ a)xu/mwton me\n te/ws, duna/menon de\ xumwqh=nai, w(s to\ u(/dwr: a)/poion ga\r o)\n du/natai xumwqh=nai: h)\ to\ tai=s a)/llais ai)sqh/sesin u(pokei/menon, w(s o( yo/fos, h)\ to\ mikra\n e)/xon geu=sin, w(s ta\ u(dara\ tw=n r(ofhma/twn, h)\ to\ kakh\n e)/xon geu=sin, w(s ta\ dhlhth/ria. kai\ dh=lon ti/nwn tou/twn a)ntilamba/netai h( geu=sis, kai\ ti/nos mh/. kai\ e)pi\ tw=n a)/llwn de\ ai)sqh/sewn ta\ te/ssara tau=ta ginw/sketai shmaino/mena. a)rxa\s de\ tw=n geustw=n to\ poto/n fasi kai\ to\ a)/poton. ei)s tau=ta ga\r prw/tws diairei=tai to\ geusto/n. kai\ ga\r e)n tw=| u(grw=| ma/lista kai\ o( xumo\s e)k th=s e)pimici/as tw=n chrw=n prosgeno/menos: kai\ w(/sper to\ poto\n po/timon gi/netai dia\ th\n e)pimici/an tou= xrhstou= xumou=, ou(/tw kai\ to\ a)/poton dia\ th\n e)pimici/an tou= a)po/tou xumou=. a)mfo/tera de\, to/ te a)/poton kai\ to\ poto\n, geusta/. geusto\n de\ to\ a)/poton, ou)x w(s teleiwtiko\n, a)ll' w(s fqartiko\n th=s geu/sews dia\ moxqhri/an xumou=. to\ de\ poto\n w(s swstiko/n te kai\ teleiwtiko\n tou= kata\ fu/sin geustikou=. a)/rxei ou)=n tw=n geustw=n kata\ tou=ton to\n lo/gon to\ poto\n kai\ to\ a)/poton. e)pei\ de\ to\ poto\n u(gro\n, to\ de\ u(gro\n th=| a(fh=| a)ntilhpto\n, w(s me\n u(gro\n a(pto\n, w(s de\ toio/nde xumo\n e)/xon geusto/n. tou=to ou)=n koino\n a(fh=s kai\ geu/sews, th=s me\n a(fh=s w(s i)/dion au)th=s ai)sqhto\n, th=s de\ geu/sews w(s u(/lh kai\ o)/xhma tw=n geustw=n.
The headword phrase, illustrative of an idiom noted in LSJ s.v.
a)/geustos, I -- is presumably quoted from somewhere. It features also in, besides other lexica, two adjacent entries in
Photius (alpha156 and alpha157 Theodoridis), and can be traced back to -- but not beyond -- two lemmata in the epitome of
Praeparatio sophistica (18.8 and 18.25 de Borries).
[1] This gloss does not seem very apt for the headword phrase. Adler reports no manuscript variations for the Suda iself, but, in the equivalent entry in
Photius, Theodoridis obelizes
a)stei/ws and notes Croenert's suggested emendation
[2] Same glossing in
Photius (alpha158 Theodoridis) and other lexica; evidently quoted from somewhere.
[3] What now follows draws on John
Philoponus' commentary on
de anima 404.10-29 Hayduck. There are summary cross-references to this material at
alpha 3603 and
pi 2141.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; food; medicine; philosophy; science and technology
Translated by: William Hutton on 22 October 2000@13:17:10.
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