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Headword: Geloios
Adler number: gamma,118
Translated headword: laughable
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] the most ridiculous, [accented] proparoxytone. But [differently-accented] geloi=os [means] a laughing-stock.
And [there is] a proverb: "you will end up more laughable than those who try to polish millet, or just like Murmêkides contending against the skill of Pheidias."[1]
And [there is] another proverb: "more laughable than Melitides", in reference to those accused of stupidity. For Melitides was a man mocked by the comic poets for stupidity along the same lines as [they mocked] Amphisteides. They say this man counted the many things he experienced up to five but could not [count] further, and that after marrying he did not touch his bride; for he feared lest the girl would inform against him to her mother. Amphisteides did not know from which of his parents he was born.[2]
Greek Original:
Geloios: ho katagelastotatos, proparoxutonôs. Geloios de ho gelôtopoios. kai paroimia: geloioteron apergazêi tôn tas kenchrous apotoreuein epicheirountôn ê kathaper ton Murmêkidên antiprattomenon têi Pheidiou technêi. kai hetera paroimia: Geloioteron Melitidou, epi tôn epi môriai diabeblêmenôn. Melitidês gar anêr kômôidoumenos hupo tôn poiêtôn epi môriai kata tauta tôi Amphisteidêi. touton de phasin arithmêsai men polla pathonta mechri tôn e# kai pera mêketi dunasthai, gêmanta de tês numphês mê hapsasthai: phobeisthai gar mê auton hê pais têi mêtri diaballêi. ho de Amphisteidês êgnoei ex hopoterou goneôn etechthê.
The difference in accentuation appears to be an instance of Vendryes' Law; see gamma 119 and LSJ s.v. on grammarians' inconsistent interpretations.
[1] Julian, Orations 3.111d-112a (and Appendix Proverbiorum 1.68); cf. mu 1444, phi 246 (end).
[2] From the scholia to Aristophanes, Frogs 990; cf. alpha 1771, beta 468, and esp. (for a more explicit version of the present material) mu 187.
Keywords: art history; biography; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; gender and sexuality; mathematics; proverbs; rhetoric; trade and manufacture; women
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 3 July 2002@23:20:53.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified translation; augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 4 July 2002@05:26:18.
David Whitehead (another keyword; tweaks and cosmetics) on 3 February 2007@07:39:53.
David Whitehead (typo) on 31 October 2010@05:02:46.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaking) on 5 June 2012@05:43:22.
Catharine Roth (added primary note) on 28 August 2012@10:52:26.
Catharine Roth (cross-reference) on 28 August 2012@11:07:24.
David Whitehead on 27 September 2015@08:32:55.


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