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Headword: Edikaiôthêsan
Adler number: epsilon,238
Translated headword: they were justified, they were adjudged
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] they were judged to be just.[1] But it also means the opposite, they were justly condemned. Dio in the fifteenth [book] of Roman Histories [writes]: "for because of both their very ancient repute and their long-standing friendship with the Romans they did not endure being judged; but the Campanians attempted to accuse Flaccus and the Syracusans Marcellus. They were justified in the Senate."[2] But often this [writer] uses the expression in the above-mentioned sense, as in the 16th [book]: "all deserve to die; however, I will not put all of you to death, but [only] a few, whom I have captured already, I will condemn, but the others I release."[3] And in many other passages likewise.
Greek Original:
Edikaiôthêsan: dikaioi ekrithêsan. sêmainei de kai to enantion, katedikasthêsan dikaiôs. Diôn en Rhômaïkois pentekaidekatôi: ek te gar tês apo tou panu archaiou axiôseôs kai ek tês palaias pros tous Rhômaious philias ouk ênenkan dikaiôthentes, all' epecheirêsan kai hoi Kampanoi tou Phlakkou kai hoi Surakousioi tou Markellou katêgorêsai, katedikaiôthêsan en tôi sunedriôi. pollachou de houtos kechrêtai têi lexei tautêi epi tou eirêmenou sêmainomenou, hôs kai en tôi i#2#: pantes apothanein este axioi: ou mentoi kai egô pantas humas thanatôsô, all' oligous men, hous kai suneilêpha êdê, dikaiôsô, tous de allous aphiêmi. kai allachou de pollachou homoiôs.
Likewise or similarly in other lexica; references at Photius epsilon130 Theodoridis.
[1] The headword is aorist passive of dikaio/w, third person plural; cf. delta 1078, epsilon 237, epsilon 239.
[2] Cassius Dio 15.57.46a (phi 516 has a shorter extract). For 'the Campanians attempted to accuse Flaccus and the Syracusans Marcellus' cf. Livy 26.30.12: 'of the two cities captured this year [210 BCE], Capua has Fulvius as its defendant, Syracuse Marcellus'. The 'Fulvius' here is Q. Fulvius Flaccus (cos.237 and three more times), who had taken Capua in 211; and this 'Marcellus' is M. Claudius Marcellus (cos.222 and four more times), capturer of Syracuse in 212. Plutarch, Marcellus 23 describes the episode, two years later, when the Syracusans tried to bring charges against Marcellus for breaking the surrender-terms but the Senate exonerated him; and for both cases see at length Livy 26.29-34.
[3] Cassius Dio 16.57.47.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; historiography; history; law
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 26 February 2006@01:48:09.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (tweaked notes; added another x-ref) on 26 February 2006@04:26:28.
David Whitehead (modified translation) on 27 February 2006@03:20:17.
David Whitehead (another attempt to get the translation right; augmented n.2) on 27 February 2006@04:10:39.
David Whitehead (further expansion of n.2) on 28 February 2006@08:43:51.
David Whitehead (another keyword; cosmetics) on 29 July 2012@07:04:46.
David Whitehead (added a note) on 26 August 2013@03:46:46.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 19 November 2016@02:19:26.
Matthew Farmer (Tweaked translation) on 20 January 2017@16:00:11.


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