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Search results for pi,2109 in Adler number:
Adler number: pi,2109
Translated headword: Posidonius, Poseidonios
Vetting Status: high
Translation: of Olbiopolis,[1] sophist and historian. [He wrote] On the Ocean and related matters;[2] On the So-called Tyric Land; Attic Histories (in 4 books); Libyca (in 11 books); etc.
Greek Original:*poseidw/nios, *)olbiopoli/ths, sofisth\s kai\ i(storiko/s. *peri\ tou= *)wkeanou= kai\ tw=n kat' au)to/n, *peri\ th=s *turikh=s kaloume/nhs xw/ras, *)attika\s i(stori/as e)n bibli/ois d#, *libuka\ e)n bibli/ois ia#, kai\ a)/lla tina/.
See generally RE Poseidonios(6); OCD4
Posidonius(1); FGrH 279 (?= 169, in which case datable to C2 BC; otherwise probably C2 AD).
[1] a.k.a.
Olbia, at the top of the Black Sea.
[2] This is in fact the work of [
pi 2107]
Posidonius of Apamea.
Keywords: biography; chronology; geography; historiography; history; philosophy; rhetoric
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 25 May 2002@08:12:47.
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