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Headword: *fu/larxos
Adler number: phi,828
Translated headword: Phylarchos, Phylarchus
Vetting Status: high
Of Athens or Naukratis,[1] but some [call him] Sikyonian; others wrote [that he was] Egyptian. Historian. [He wrote] The Expedition of Pyrrhos of Epeiros against the Peloponnese in 28 books; but he takes [events] as far as Ptolemy called Euergetes[2] and the death of Berenike and up to the death of Kleonymos the Lakedaimonian after Antigonos [sc. Doson] marched against him.[3] [He also wrote] The Story of Antiochos and of Eumenes of Pergamon, Summary of Myth, On the Apparition of Zeus, On Discoveries, [and] 9 books of Digressions.[4]
Greek Original:
*fu/larxos, *)aqhnai=os h)\ *naukrati/ths: oi( de\ *sikuw/nion: a)/lloi *ai)gu/ption e)/grayan: i(storiko/s. th\n e)pi\ *pelopo/nnhson *pu/rrou tou= *)hpeirw/tou stratei/an e)n bibli/ois kh#: kata/gei de\ kai\ me/xri *ptolemai/ou tou= *eu)erge/tou klhqe/ntos kai\ th=s *bereni/khs teleuth=s kai\ e(/ws tou= qana/tou *klewnu/mou tou= *lakedaimoni/ou, e)pistrateu/santos au)tw=| *)antigo/nou: ta\ kata\ to\n *)anti/oxon kai\ to\n *pergamhno\n *eu)me/nh, *)epitomh\n muqikh/n, *peri\ th=s tou= *dio\s e)pifanei/as, *peri\ eu(rhma/twn, *paremba/sewn bibli/a q#.
C3 BCE. OCD4 Phylarchus; FGrH 81 (where this Suda entry is T1).
[1] cf. Athenaeus, Deipnosophists 2.58C (2.51 Kaibel). (For Naukratis, see nu 58.)
[2] Ptolemy III Euergetes. See further, next note.
[3] The point being made is that this 28-volume work with a title -- if such it was -- referring to an event of 272 BCE in fact began then and covered the following 52 years. Ptolemy III and his wife Berenike died in 221/0, and the Spartan king Kleomenes III (sic: not the Suda's 'Kleonymos') the following year. On Antigonos Doson (and Kleomenes) see alpha 2659.
[4] The Greek word, here in the genitive plual, is parembasis, for which there is no parallel; embasis has a semantic field centred upon entrance, embarcation, etc. LSJ Supp. suggests the alternative parekba/sewn (credited to Sevin by Jacoby); parekbasis means a going aside or deviation. On the basis of Polybius 1.15.13, etc., the sense of 'digression' seems suitable here.
Keywords: biography; chronology; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; mythology; religion; women
Translated by: D. Graham J. Shipley on 24 October 2000@09:04:57.
Vetted by:
William Hutton on 24 October 2000@11:34:41.
William Hutton (Cosmetics; set status.) on 24 October 2000@11:36:12.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 24 September 2002@09:44:05.
David Whitehead (augmented notes; tweaks and cosmetics) on 27 August 2010@08:15:19.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaking; raised status) on 18 December 2013@07:37:52.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 7 August 2014@04:07:13.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 15 January 2015@21:34:48.


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