Applied Machine Learning Intensive Summer Bootcamp

We have a summer program, the NACME Google Applied Machine Learning Intensive (AMLI) for undergraduates who are URM.


The program is an all expense paid, 8-week summer program. Undergraduates (apply ASAP, contact me if you have issues), Junior Faculty, Graduate Students, and Faculty should apply here:


Undergraduate students receive the following

  • 20 current students will be selected to participate in the rigorous and exciting learning environment over the course of 8 weeks.
  • Receive full room and board during the 8 week program. Students will stay in the Ball Hall dorms.
  • Receive travel stipend to cover the arrival and departure costs.
  • Potentially receive a stipend for participating in the program (pending).
  • Earn upper-division CS elective course credit for completing the bootcamp. Students will be able to transfer this credit into their respective university/department, pending their respective university policies and guidelines.

Junior Faculty, Postdocs, and Graduate students receive the following

  • A competitive salary, $8k – $12k for teaching during the 8 week bootcamp.
  • Travel stipend to cover the arrival and departure costs to Lexington, KY.
  • Interact with other graduate student researchers and faculty.
  • Graduate student teachers are required to relocate to Lexington, KY during 8 weeks of the AMLI program.
  • Learn the curriculum before your arrival. If selected, the curriculum will be provided to you.
  • Teach and interact with the AMLI students for 2-3 hours a day, 5 days a week.
  • Utilize 5-6 hours of the day to collaborate on research with the Network Reconnaissance Lab or other labs at UK.

Faculty (Research Advisors) are encouraged

  • Submit a 2 page project proposal related to ML. If your project is selected, 2-4 of the AMLI students will be assigned to your project during the last 4-5 weeks of the program. The students will apply their new found ML skills to your proposed project.
  • Faculty leading a project will mentor students as well as have them interact with their research lab.
  • Faculty are encouraged to apply for NSF REU funds to support stipends for the students on their project.

Information about the AMLI Summer program was featured on the UK College of Engineering website.

Interested in Joining the Lab?

The NetReconLab is always looking for motivated students

Corey Baker

Corey E. Baker is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Kentucky. His research interests are in the area of Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) with emphasis in: opportunistic wireless communication for the Internet of Things (IoT), smart cities, smart homes, and mobile health environments.
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