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Headword: *qu/rsos
Adler number: theta,613
Translated headword: thyrsus
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] a Bacchic staff. Or a lamp, which they used to carry in honor of Dionysus.[1]
In the Epigrams: "to Pan Biton dedicated a goat, to the Nymphs a rose, thyrsuses to Lyaeus, the threefold gift under the well-petalled foliage."[2] And elsewhere: "and the verdant cone-bearing vine-prop of the thyrsus."[3]
Greek Original:
*qu/rsos: bakxikh\ r(a/bdos. h)\ lampa/s, h(\n e)ba/stazon ei)s timh\n tw=| *dionu/sw|. e)n *)epigra/mmasi: *pani\ *bi/twn xi/maron, *nu/mfais r(o/da, qu/rsa *luai/w|, trisso\n u(p' eu)peta/lois dw=ron e)/qhke foi/bais. kai\ au)=qis: kai\ qu/rsou xloero\n kwnofo/ron ka/maka.
[1] Same or similar glossing in other lexica; see the references at Photius theta282 Theodoridis.
[2] Greek Anthology 6.158.1-2 (Sabinus the Grammarian): read fo/bais instead of foi/bais; cf. phi 778. For 'Lyaeus' see lambda 788. Find further excerpts from this epigram at gamma 59 and nu 591.
[3] Greek Anthology 6.165.4 (Phalaecus); cf. kappa 2279. On this epigram, a dedication to Dionysus, see Page (46-49) and its further extracts at alpha 1721, alpha 4681, beta 140, beta 548, theta 379, iota 72, kappa 2115, lambda 360, rho 223, and sigma 1193. On the epigram's attribution, see alpha 1721 note.
D.L. Page, ed., Further Greek Epigrams, (Cambridge 1981)
Keywords: botany; definition; poetry; religion; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 26 February 2008@01:04:29.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 26 February 2008@03:25:29.
David Whitehead (another x-ref) on 26 February 2008@10:00:58.
David Whitehead (another note) on 7 January 2013@09:35:41.
Catharine Roth (expanded notes) on 23 December 2018@01:54:38.
Ronald Allen (added cross-references n.2) on 24 February 2023@14:48:30.
Ronald Allen (tweaked translation in consultation with Managing Editor Catharine Roth) on 24 February 2023@20:18:43.
Ronald Allen (expanded n.3, added bibliography, added cross-references) on 4 June 2023@13:55:11.
Ronald Allen (tweaked translation in consultation with Managing Editor Catharine Roth, augmented n.3) on 6 June 2023@10:47:07.


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