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Search results for tau,1124 in Adler number:
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Headword: *)arai\ kata\
Adler number: tau,1124
Translated headword: curses against enemies going
Vetting Status: high
"Such a black-hearted rock of Styx and the blood-dripping cliff of Acheron are guarding you; and the running dogs of Cocytus and the hundred-headed viper, which will rend your inward parts; and the Tartesian sea-eel will take hold of your lungs, but your bloodied kidneys with the very bowels the Tithrasian Gorgons will tear out, on whom I will set my running foot."[1]
Greek Original:
*)arai\ kata\ oi)xome/nwn e)xqrw=n. *toi/a *stugo/s se melanoka/rdios pe/tra *)axero/ntio/s te sko/pelos ai(matostagh\s frourou=si, *kwkutou= te peri/dromoi ku/nes e)/xidna/ q' e(katontake/falos, h(\ ta\ spla/gxna sou diaspara/cei: pneumo/nwn t' a)nqa/yetai *tarthsi/a mu/raina, tw\ nefrw\ de/ sou au)toi=sin e)nte/roisin h(matwme/nw diaspa/sontai *gorgo/nes *tiqra/siai, e)f' a(\s e)gw\ dromai=on o(rmh/sw po/da.
Effectively a gloss on the passage quoted, the headword phrase -- lacking in some mss here -- is cross-referenced at alpha 3813 (but without 'enemies' there).
[1] Aristophanes, Frogs 470-478 ('not a parody of any particular tragic scene [...] but an accumulation of bombastic and not always entirely coherent tragic motifs and phrases': Dover ad loc.); cf. gamma 391, pi 1106, sigma 1254, tau 136, tau 579.
Aristophanes, Frogs, edited with introduction and commentary by K.J. Dover (Oxford 1993)
Keywords: comedy; ethics; geography; imagery; medicine; mythology; religion; tragedy; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 19 February 2014@01:22:49.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; raised status) on 19 February 2014@03:47:47.
Catharine Roth (typo) on 19 February 2014@09:46:43.


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