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Search results for sigma,981 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,981
Translated headword: stadion, stadium
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the place of the contest. Also a certain part of what is called a mile; for seven [and] a half stadia make a mile.
Stadion is also the simple term for a standing firm and not moving. Dio in the 39th [volume] of
Roman Histories [writes]: "betrayed by the
stadion of the boats, they [the Veneti] were very angry."[1] Meaning betrayed by the standing fast and lack of movement of the boats, they were exceedingly wroth.
Also [sc. attested is the phrase]
stadios chiton, [meaning] one that reaches to the feet, a full-sized one; [the phrase appears] in
Callimachus in
Aristophanes [writes]: "I ask of you only this one thing -- that of the Greeks I be best by a hundred stadia."[3]
Also [sc. attested is the phrase]
stadi/a| ma/xh ["fight in close"]: "no-one withstood him in close combat."[4]
[Note] that the seven [and] a half stadia make one mile, and the ten miles have 80 stadia. Otherwise: [note] that the stadion has 600 feet, and the mile 4200 feet, and the plethron 100 feet, and the aroura 50 feet,[5] and the foot sixteen daktyloi, and the cubit a foot and a half.
In the
Epigrams: "in stadia from
Isthmos and in
[Note] that
Philippides the day-runner completed 1500 stadia in one night.[7] And look under
Greek Original:*sta/dion: o( to/pos tou= a)gw=nos. kai\ me/ros ti tou= legome/nou mili/ou: e(pta\ ga\r h(/misu sta/dia poiou=si mi/lion. le/getai sta/dion kai\ a(plw=s to\ i(/stasqai kai\ a)kinhti/zein. *di/wn e)n lq# *(rwmai+kw=n: tw=| de\ dh\ stadi/w| tw=n skafw=n prodido/menoi deinw=s h)/sxallon. a)nti\ tou= th=| sta/sei kai\ a)kinhsi/a| tw=n skafw=n prodido/menoi sfo/dra h)niw=nto. kai\ *sta/dios xitw/n, o( podh/rhs, o( te/leios: para\ *kallima/xw| e)n *(eka/lh|. kai\ *)aristofa/nhs: de/omai u(mw=n touti\ pa/nu mikro/n, ei)=nai/ me tw=n *(ellh/nwn e(kato\n stadi/oisin a)/riston. kai\ *stadi/a| ma/xh. ou)deno\s de\ au)to\n e)n stadi/a| ma/xh| u(fistame/nou. o(/ti ta\ e(pta\ h(/misu sta/dia poiou=si mi/lion e(/n, ta\ de\ de/ka mi/lia e)/xousi sta/dia p#. a)/llws: o(/ti to\ sta/dion e)/xei po/das x#, to\ de\ mi/lion po/das #22ds1#, to\ de\ ple/qron po/das r#, h( a)/roura po/das n#, o( pou=s daktu/lous i#2#, o( ph=xus po/da a# h(/misun. e)n *)epigra/mmasi: e)n stadi/ois *)isqmoqh/khn *neme/a|. o(/ti *filippi/dhs o( h(mero/dromos #22a# kai\ f# sta/dia h)/nuse dia\ mia=s nukto/s. kai\ zh/tei e)n tw=| *(ippi/as.
The first paragraph here is also in the
Synagoge (sigma188) and
Lexicon (sigma485 Theodoridis). See also e.g. the scholiast on
Critias 115D (Greene).
Cassius Dio 39.43.4 (cf. Caesar,
Gallic War 3.14-15).
Hecale fr. 293 Pfeiffer.
Clouds 429-430. (The quotation omits Strepsiades' specific request to be best 'in speaking'.)
[4] The noun and adjective should be in agreement (both dative or both nominative). The exact source is indeterminable, but see e.g.
Iliad 13.314 and 713; also
Cassius Dio 22.73.2.
[5] The
aroura is a measure of land equal approximately to a Roman
iugerum. It consisted of one hundred square cubits, an Egyptian cubit being 525 millimeters in length (
Herodotus 1.178.3, 2.168.1). See How and Wells 1.138 and 250.
Greek Anthology 6.259.4 (Philip) -- here slightly garbled; the translation reproduces the original. See further extracts from this epigram at
alpha 4706,
pi 1841, and
upsilon 684.
[7] See
phi 347.
iota 545.
How, W.W. and J. Wells. A Commentary on Herodotus. 2 vols. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1912. Reprint: 1928.
Keywords: architecture; athletics; biography; clothing; comedy; daily life; definition; epic; ethics; geography; historiography; history; mathematics; military affairs; poetry; science and technology
Translated by: Wm. Blake Tyrrell on 19 September 2005@20:41:01.
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