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Headword: *sta/dion
Adler number: sigma,981
Translated headword: stadion, stadium
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] the place of the contest. Also a certain part of what is called a mile; for seven [and] a half stadia make a mile. Stadion is also the simple term for a standing firm and not moving. Dio in the 39th [volume] of Roman Histories [writes]: "betrayed by the stadion of the boats, they [the Veneti] were very angry."[1] Meaning betrayed by the standing fast and lack of movement of the boats, they were exceedingly wroth.
Also [sc. attested is the phrase] stadios chiton, [meaning] one that reaches to the feet, a full-sized one; [the phrase appears] in Callimachus in Hecale.[2]
And Aristophanes [writes]: "I ask of you only this one thing -- that of the Greeks I be best by a hundred stadia."[3]
Also [sc. attested is the phrase] stadi/a| ma/xh ["fight in close"]: "no-one withstood him in close combat."[4]
[Note] that the seven [and] a half stadia make one mile, and the ten miles have 80 stadia. Otherwise: [note] that the stadion has 600 feet, and the mile 4200 feet, and the plethron 100 feet, and the aroura 50 feet,[5] and the foot sixteen daktyloi, and the cubit a foot and a half.
In the Epigrams: "in stadia from Isthmos and in Nemea."[6]
[Note] that Philippides the day-runner completed 1500 stadia in one night.[7] And look under Hippias.[8]
Greek Original:
*sta/dion: o( to/pos tou= a)gw=nos. kai\ me/ros ti tou= legome/nou mili/ou: e(pta\ ga\r h(/misu sta/dia poiou=si mi/lion. le/getai sta/dion kai\ a(plw=s to\ i(/stasqai kai\ a)kinhti/zein. *di/wn e)n lq# *(rwmai+kw=n: tw=| de\ dh\ stadi/w| tw=n skafw=n prodido/menoi deinw=s h)/sxallon. a)nti\ tou= th=| sta/sei kai\ a)kinhsi/a| tw=n skafw=n prodido/menoi sfo/dra h)niw=nto. kai\ *sta/dios xitw/n, o( podh/rhs, o( te/leios: para\ *kallima/xw| e)n *(eka/lh|. kai\ *)aristofa/nhs: de/omai u(mw=n touti\ pa/nu mikro/n, ei)=nai/ me tw=n *(ellh/nwn e(kato\n stadi/oisin a)/riston. kai\ *stadi/a| ma/xh. ou)deno\s de\ au)to\n e)n stadi/a| ma/xh| u(fistame/nou. o(/ti ta\ e(pta\ h(/misu sta/dia poiou=si mi/lion e(/n, ta\ de\ de/ka mi/lia e)/xousi sta/dia p#. a)/llws: o(/ti to\ sta/dion e)/xei po/das x#, to\ de\ mi/lion po/das #22ds1#, to\ de\ ple/qron po/das r#, h( a)/roura po/das n#, o( pou=s daktu/lous i#2#, o( ph=xus po/da a# h(/misun. e)n *)epigra/mmasi: e)n stadi/ois *)isqmoqh/khn *neme/a|. o(/ti *filippi/dhs o( h(mero/dromos #22a# kai\ f# sta/dia h)/nuse dia\ mia=s nukto/s. kai\ zh/tei e)n tw=| *(ippi/as.
The first paragraph here is also in the Synagoge (sigma188) and Photius' Lexicon (sigma485 Theodoridis). See also e.g. the scholiast on Plato, Critias 115D (Greene).
[1] Cassius Dio 39.43.4 (cf. Caesar, Gallic War 3.14-15).
[2] Callimachus, Hecale fr. 293 Pfeiffer.
[3] Aristophanes, Clouds 429-430. (The quotation omits Strepsiades' specific request to be best 'in speaking'.)
[4] The noun and adjective should be in agreement (both dative or both nominative). The exact source is indeterminable, but see e.g. Homer, Iliad 13.314 and 713; also Cassius Dio 22.73.2.
[5] The aroura is a measure of land equal approximately to a Roman iugerum. It consisted of one hundred square cubits, an Egyptian cubit being 525 millimeters in length (Herodotus 1.178.3, 2.168.1). See How and Wells 1.138 and 250.
[6] Greek Anthology 6.259.4 (Philip) -- here slightly garbled; the translation reproduces the original. See further extracts from this epigram at alpha 4706, pi 1841, and upsilon 684.
[7] See phi 347.
[8] iota 545.
How, W.W. and J. Wells. A Commentary on Herodotus. 2 vols. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1912. Reprint: 1928.
Keywords: architecture; athletics; biography; clothing; comedy; daily life; definition; epic; ethics; geography; historiography; history; mathematics; military affairs; poetry; science and technology
Translated by: Wm. Blake Tyrrell on 19 September 2005@20:41:01.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (tweaked translation; augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 25 September 2005@07:10:41.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics; raised status) on 31 December 2013@07:59:48.
David Whitehead (tweaked tr and n. 6) on 18 February 2014@05:57:15.
David Whitehead (codings) on 26 May 2016@07:06:47.
Catharine Roth (tweaked note) on 23 August 2020@20:02:32.
Catharine Roth (expanded note) on 30 March 2022@18:34:38.
Catharine Roth (added a reference) on 30 March 2022@18:38:09.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 31 March 2022@00:13:08.
Ronald Allen (added cross-references n.6) on 8 January 2023@14:00:17.


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