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Headword: *skia\ o)nei/rwn
Adler number: sigma,599
Translated headword: shadow of dreams
Vetting Status: high
[sc. A saying] in reference to obscure matters. Damascius [says]: 'whenever instead of past events we write about some kind of phantoms, [we create] a shadow of dreams, according to Pindar'.[1]
Greek Original:
*skia\ o)nei/rwn: e)pi\ tw=n a)dh/lwn pragma/twn. *dama/skios: o(/tan a)nti\ pragma/twn gegenhme/nwn ei)/dwla a)/tta suggrafw/meqa, skia\n o)nei/rwn, kata\ *pi/ndaron.
cf. epsiloniota 45.
[1] Damascius, Life of Isidore fr.55 Zintzen (26 Asmus, 29B Athanassiadi), citing Pindar, Pythian 8.95-6(136-7), skia=s o)/nar a)/nqrwpos.
Keywords: biography; daily life; dreams; poetry; proverbs
Translated by: David Whitehead on 18 December 2002@05:55:54.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (augmented reference) on 15 May 2003@21:20:00.
David Whitehead on 30 July 2004@08:40:50.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 29 November 2005@08:22:52.
David Whitehead on 29 December 2013@08:34:07.
David Whitehead (x-ref) on 5 February 2014@07:26:39.


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