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Headword: *paxei=s
Adler number: pi,830
Translated headword: thicks
Vetting Status: high
Attic writers customarily call the wealthy [this].[1]
Aristophanes [writes]: "how ignorant you are, and thick."[2] Meaning imperceptive and thick when it comes to intellect.
And Herodotus [writes]: "men of the 'thicks' were being driven by the populace out of Naxos."[3]
*pa/xhs ["stout"] differs from paxu/s ["thick"]: 'stout' is the term for the adipose, but 'thick' for the imperceptive and the wealthy.
Both 'thick' and 'ancient' are applied in reference to a stupid man in the old[er] writers.
[Note] that the parts of skins thick with fat become broader when softened by salts; so he might be benefited, says Strepsiades, when the thickness is cleaned away. Sprinkled with salts: Aristophanes is making fun of him by crafting the language as if in reference to a winesack. Also see under 'rubbed with salts'.[4]
Interpretation of a dream: if heavy of body you will have an extremely bad reputation.[5]
Greek Original:
*paxei=s: *)attikoi\ tou\s plousi/ous kalou=si sunh/qws. *)aristofa/nhs: w(s a)maqh\s ei)= kai\ paxu/s. a)nti\ tou= a)nai/sqhtos kai\ paxu\s ei)s to\ noei=n. kai\ *(hro/dotos: e)/fugon a)/ndres tw=n paxe/wn u(po\ tou= dh/mou e)k *na/cou. diafe/rei pa/xhs kai\ paxu/s. pa/xhs me\n le/getai o( liparo/s, paxu\s de\ o( a)nai/sqhtos h)\ o( plou/sios. kai\ paxu\s kai\ a)rxai=os e)pi\ tou= h)liqi/ou ta/ssetai para\ toi=s palaioi=s. o(/ti ta\ paxe/a u(po\ pimelh=s tw=n derma/twn a(lsi\ malatto/mena eu)ru/tera gi/netai. o)/naito ou)=n, fhsi\n o( *streyia/dhs, a)pokaqarqei\s th\n paxu/thta. a(lsi\ diabrexo/menos: diaba/llei tou=ton *)aristofa/nhs w(s e)pi\ a)skou= to\n lo/gon poiou/menos. kai\ zh/tei e)n tw=| a(lsi\ diasmhxqei/s. lu/sis o)nei/rou: bri/qwn to\ sw=ma duskleh\s e)/sh| li/an.
[1] = Photius pi500 Theodoridis; cf. Pollux 6.197, glosses to Herodotus 5.30.1 (below), and the scholia to Aristophanes, Wasps 288 (where the phrase a)nh\r paxu\s h(/kei occurs). The headword is masculine nominative/accusative plural of the adjective paxu/s. Perhaps derived from commentary on Aristophanes, Peace 639, where both the headword and the gloss used here are found in conjunction.
[2] Aristophanes, Clouds 842.
[3] Herodotus 5.30.1 (verbally rearranged), on events of the early C5 BCE.
[4] alpha 1409. This phrase is a quotation of Aristophanes, Clouds 1237, from the commentary to which most of this paragraph is derived.
[5] From the dream-interpretations, in verse, attributed to Astrampsychus (alpha 4251).
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; dreams; economics; ethics; geography; historiography; history; imagery; poetry; politics; science and technology; trade and manufacture
Translated by: William Hutton on 3 September 2011@01:34:42.
Vetted by:
William Hutton (added Greek tags to betacode) on 3 September 2011@12:41:00.
Catharine Roth (cosmetics, additional note, status) on 3 September 2011@12:45:02.
Catharine Roth (expanded note 1) on 3 September 2011@12:57:33.
David Whitehead (additions to notes; tweaks and cosmetics) on 4 September 2011@04:19:25.
David Whitehead (tweaks and cosmetics) on 18 September 2013@06:18:43.


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