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Headword: *pw=ros
Adler number: pi,2180
Translated headword: Poros, Porus, Puru
Vetting Status: high
King of Indians; [it was he] who became most handsome of Indians and attained a height unequalled by any man who lived later than those who went to Troy. He was quite young when he met Alexander and fought a war against him. Apollonius questioned this man about his way of life. "Of wine", he replied "I drink as much as I pour in libations to the sun; and whatever [sc. animals] I take in the hunt are eaten by others, since for me the exercise is enough. My foodstuffs are vegetables and the hearts of date-palms and the fruit of date-palms and whatever crops the river irrigates; and masses of fruit grow on the trees which these hands of mine tend." On hearing this Apollonius was exceptionally pleased and kept glancing at Damis.
Greek Original:
*pw=ros, basileu\s *)indw=n: o(\s e)ge/neto ka/llistos *)indw=n kai\ mh=kos o(/son ou)/pw tis a)nqrw/pwn tw=n meta\ tou\s *trwi+kou\s a)/ndras. h)=n de\ komidh=| pa/nu ne/os, o(/te sunh=n *)aleca/ndrw| kai\ tou/tw| e)pole/mei. tou=ton h)/reto peri\ diai/ths o( *)apollw/nios. o( de/, oi)/nou me/n, e)/fh, pi/nw tosou=ton, o(/son tw=| h(li/w| spe/ndw: a(\ d' a)\n e)n qh/ra| la/bw, tau=ta sitou=ntai e(/teroi, e)moi\ de\ a)po/xrh to\ gegumna/sqai. ta\ de\ e)ma\ siti/a la/xana kai\ foini/kwn e)gke/faloi kai\ karpo\s tw=n foini/kwn kai\ o(po/sa moi o( potamo\s khpeu/ei: polla\ de/ moi kai\ a)po\ de/ndrwn fu/etai, w(=n gewrgoi\ ai(/de ai( xei=res. tau=ta a)kou/wn o( *)apollw/nios u(perh/deto/ te kai\ e)s to\n *da=min qama\ e(w/ra.
After the opening phrase, this material (partially repeated at omicroniota 136 and phi 796) comes from Philostratus, Life of Apollonius of Tyana 2.21 & 26.
For Damis see delta 46.
For Porus see generally OCD4 s.v.; also the article by Jona Lendering at web address 1.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; botany; chronology; daily life; definition; epic; ethics; food; geography; medicine; mythology; religion; rhetoric; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 10 March 2006@07:00:05.
Vetted by:
Antonella Ippolito (set status) on 10 March 2006@12:08:01.
Catharine Roth (supplemented headword translation, added link, fixed typo) on 10 March 2006@13:27:21.
David Whitehead (another x-ref and keyword) on 13 March 2006@05:10:10.
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 27 October 2011@07:26:46.
David Whitehead on 11 October 2013@06:44:57.
David Whitehead on 10 August 2014@06:42:38.
Catharine Roth (updated link) on 19 October 2021@23:12:31.


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