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Headword: *porfu/rios
Adler number: pi,2098
Translated headword: Porphyrios, Porphyrius, Porphyry
Vetting Status: high
He who wrote against [the] Christians; [he] who was properly called King;[1] from Tyre, a philosopher, student of Amelios who was a student of Plotinos, and teacher of Iamblichos.[2] He flourished in the time of Aurelian and lasted until the emperor Diocletian. He wrote very many books, on philosophy and rhetoric and grammar. He was also a student of the critic Longinus.[3] [He wrote] On Divine Names, 1 [book]; On First Principles, 2; On Matter, 6; On the Soul against Boethus, 5; About Abstinence from Animate Creatures, 4; On 'Know Yourself',[4] 4; On Incorporeal Beings; On the Sect of Plato and Aristotle being One 6;[5] [Commentary] on the [Oracles] of Julian the Chaldean; Philosophical History in 4 books;[6] 15 speeches against the Christians; On the Philosophy of Homer; Against Aristotle in the matter of the Soul being Entelechy; 5 books of Philological Investigation; On Generation and Form and Difference and Uniqueness and Accidence; On the Sources of the Nile according to Pindar; 10 books of Tips for Kings out of Homer; 6 of Mixed Investigations; [Commentary] on the Prologue of Thucydides; Against Aristides, 6; [Commentary] on Minucian's Art of Rhetoric;[7] and lots of other works, especially astronomical; among them an Introduction to Astronomy in three books; also Grammatical Cruces.
This man is the Porphyry who wagged his wicked tongue against the Christians.
Greek Original:
*porfu/rios, o( kata\ *xristianw=n gra/yas: o(\s kuri/ws e)kalei=to *basileu/s: *tu/rios, filo/sofos, maqhth\s *)ameli/ou tou= *plwti/nou maqhtou=, dida/skalos de\ *)iambli/xou, gegonw\s e)pi\ tw=n xro/nwn *au)rhlianou= kai\ paratei/nas e(/ws *dioklhtianou= tou= basile/ws. e)/graye bibli/a pa/mpleista, filo/sofa/ te kai\ r(htorika\ kai\ grammatika/. h)=n de\ kai\ *loggi/nou tou= kritikou= a)kroasa/menos. *peri\ qei/wn o)noma/twn a#, *peri\ a)rxw=n b#, *peri\ u(/lhs #2#, *peri\ yuxh=s pro\s *bo/hqon e#, *peri\ a)poxh=s e)myu/xwn d#, *peri\ tou= *gnw=qi sauto\n d#, *peri\ a)swma/twn, *peri\ tou= mi/an ei)=nai th\n *pla/twnos kai\ *)aristote/lous ai(/resin z#, *ei)s th\n *)ioulianou= tou= *xaldai/ou filoso/fon i(stori/an e)n bibli/ois d#, *kata\ *xristianw=n lo/gous ie#, *peri\ th=s *(omh/rou filosofi/as. *pro\s *)aristote/lhn tou= ei)=nai th\n yuxh\n e)ntele/xeian, *filolo/gou i(stori/as bibli/a e#, *peri\ ge/nous kai\ ei)/dous kai\ diafora=s kai\ i)di/ou kai\ sumbebhko/tos, *peri\ tw=n kata\ *pi/ndaron tou= *nei/lou phgw=n, *peri\ th=s e)c *(omh/rou w)felei/as tw=n basile/wn bibli/a i#, *summi/ktwn zhthma/twn z#, *ei)s to\ *qoukudi/dou prooi/mion, *pro\s *)aristei/dhn z#, *ei)s th\n *minoukianou= te/xnhn, kai\ a)/lla plei=sta, kai\ ma/lista a)stronomou/mena: e)n oi(=s kai\ *ei)sagwgh\n a)stronomoume/nwn e)n bibli/ois trisi/: kai\ *grammatika\s a)pori/as. ou(=to/s e)stin o( *porfu/rios o( th\n kata\ *xristianw=n e)fu/briston glw=ssan kinh/sas.
234-c.305 AD. See also pi 2099, web address 1, web address 2, and generally OCD4 Porphyry.
[1] A more familiar Greek synonym of the Syrian name (which in Greek is transliterated as) Malkhos.
[2] cf. alpha 1549, pi 1811.
[3] lambda 645.
[4] The famous Delphic maxim: see gamma 334, cf. gamma 333.
[5] As noted by Gerson (2005: 9), this work in six books displays the Neoplatonic interest to argue for the harmony between Plato and Aristotle. This line corresponds to Porphyry's frag. 239T (ed. Smith).
[6] Valesius conjectured ta\ instead of th\n, because the commentary on the Oracles of Julian the Chaldean should be distinguished from the Philosophical History (pointed out by Yvan Bubloz). On Julian the Chaldaean, see iota 433.
[7] See mu 1087.
E.R. Dodds, "New Light on the 'Chaldean Oracles'", Harvard Theological Review 54 (1961): 267
L. Gerson, Aristotle and Other Platonists, Ithaca and London 2005
Hans Lewy, Chaldean Oracles and Theurgy, Paris, Études Augustiniennes, 1978, 449-452
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; Christianity; chronology; epic; ethics; food; geography; historiography; philosophy; poetry; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: Ross Scaife ✝ on 10 June 2002@16:28:03.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (cosmetics) on 10 June 2002@17:55:02.
David Whitehead (added notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 11 June 2002@10:19:40.
Catharine Roth (added link) on 11 June 2002@21:43:30.
David Whitehead (modified translation) on 19 July 2004@10:38:28.
Catharine Roth (modification and note 5, also bibliography, contributed by Yvan Bubloz) on 19 July 2004@16:38:53.
Catharine Roth (added cross-reference) on 19 July 2004@16:52:20.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 3 October 2005@10:03:26.
Marcelo Boeri (Added note and bibliography) on 31 October 2006@12:31:34.
Marcelo Boeri on 31 October 2006@12:32:27.
Catharine Roth (cosmetics) on 31 October 2006@16:07:10.
David Whitehead (expanded n.1; cosmetics) on 1 November 2006@03:03:44.
David Whitehead on 10 October 2013@08:50:52.
David Whitehead on 10 August 2014@06:32:26.
Catharine Roth (cosmetics, new link) on 15 October 2021@01:06:47.
Catharine Roth (restored previous link) on 15 October 2021@01:11:35.


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