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Search results for mu,1445 in Adler number:
Adler number: mu,1445
Translated headword: ant
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "Ant-hills, or what is he crooning about?" He is speaking about
Agathon the poet,[1] as someone striking up light and intricate tunes; for the paths of ants are like that. But
Agathon used to create tunes for actors, and was an actor himself; hence [his compositions] are also called choric.
Greek Original:*mu/rmhc: murmh/kwn a)trapou\s h)/ ti/ diaminuri/zetai. peri\ *)aga/qwno/s fhsi tou= poihtou=, w(s lepta\ kai\ a)gku/la a)nakrouome/nou me/lh: toiau=tai ga\r ai( tw=n murmh/kwn o(doi/. o( de\ *)aga/qwn u(pokritika\ me/lh e)poi/ei kai\ au)to\s u(pokri/netai. dio\ kai\ xorika\ le/getai.
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Web address 1
Keywords: biography; comedy; imagery; meter and music; poetry; stagecraft; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 30 July 2009@05:37:17.
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