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Search results for chi,172 in Adler number:
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Headword: *xai=ris
Adler number: chi,172
Translated headword: Chairis, Chaeris, Khairis
Vetting Status: high
A kithara-player.[1] Pherecrates, too, mentions him in Savages: "'tell me, who was the worst kithara-player?' 'Peisoumeles was after Meles... Sit still. I know. It was Chairis.'" And [there was] another [Chairis] whom Cratinus mentions in Nemesis.[3]
Greek Original:
*xai=ris: kiqarw|do/s. mnhmoneu/ei de\ au)tou= kai\ *ferekra/ths e)n *)agroi=s: fe/r' i)/dw, kiqarw|do\s ti/s ka/kistos e)ge/neto; *peisoumelh\s meta\ *me/lhtos h)=n. e)/x' a)tre/mas. e)g'w)=|da. *xai=ri/s e)sti. kai\ e(/teros, ou(= mnhmoneu/ei *krati=nos e)n *neme/sei.
None of the figures mentioned in this gloss are to be equated with the Chairis, more familiar to scholars, who was a pupil of Aristarchus and wrote works on Homer, Pindar, and Aristophanes and a treatise on grammar (all lost). Compare, rather, chi 171.
[1] Taken from the scholia to Aristophanes, Birds 858 (where a reference to Chairis appears: web address 1 below).
[2] Pherecrates fr. 6 Kock (and K.-A.).
[3] Cratinus fr. 118 Kock, now 126 K.-A.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; meter and music
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 18 March 2008@16:38:55.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (another keyword; tweaks and cosmetics) on 23 March 2008@06:13:07.
David Whitehead (x-ref) on 10 November 2013@06:07:14.
David Whitehead on 24 December 2014@09:39:25.
David Whitehead on 3 January 2015@08:51:07.


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