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Search results for beta,351 in Adler number:
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Headword: *lu/sis o)nei/rou *nikhfo/rou patria/rxou i)ambikoi/
Adler number: beta,351
Translated headword: dream-interpretation of Nikephoros the patriarch in iambics
Vetting Status: high
Seeing cows leads to bad business. Dead cows reveal times of famine.
Greek Original:
*lu/sis o)nei/rou *nikhfo/rou patria/rxou i)ambikoi/. *bo/as qewrei=n ei)s kakh\n pra=cin fe/rei. *nekroi\ bo/es dhlou=si tou\s limou= xro/nous.
Adler notes (p. xvi) that the Suda in several places attributes dream-interpretations to the patriarch Nicephorus (mentioned at iota 84), although in fact they are not found in the published works of Nicephorus but in the Onirocritica attributed to Astrampsychus (alpha 4251). See theta 11 for further citations of the Onirocritica.
Keywords: daily life; dreams; food; meter and music; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 18 April 2002@12:01:29.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (added notes, link, keywords) on 19 April 2002@14:01:37.
Catharine Roth (changed note, deleted link) on 22 April 2002@13:44:26.
Catharine Roth (added cross-reference) on 22 April 2002@21:04:17.
David Whitehead (added keywords; cosmetics) on 23 February 2003@11:15:34.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 30 September 2005@07:54:52.
Abram Ring (Added X-ref) on 10 February 2008@16:43:51.
David Whitehead on 29 May 2012@06:28:51.


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