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Headword: *)/ai+dos kunh=
Adler number: alpha,676
Translated headword: Hades' dog-skin [helmet]
Vetting Status: high
Aristophanes [writes]: "take for my sake the shadow-shaggy Hades helmet from Hieronymos." The proverb[1] was [sc. originally] said about those who are invisible. But now about those who grow their hair exceedingly long. For this Hieronymos was a melic and tragic poet [who was] deviant and unkempt, because he wrote roles that were too sentimental and used fearful masks; he seemed to be (?)applauded.[2] He was mocked for growing his hair all long: wherefore comedically [Aristophanes] said he is Hades' dog-skin, since he has long hair.
Greek Original:
*)/ai+dos kunh=: *)aristofa/nhs: la/be d' e)mou= g' e(/neka par' *(ierwnu/mou skotodasupukno/trixa th\n *)/ai+dos kunh=n. e)pi\ tw=n a)fanw=n ei)/rhtai h( paroimi/a. nu=n de\ e)pi\ tw=n a)/gan komw/ntwn. ou(=tos ga\r o( *(ierw/numos melw=n h)=n poihth\s kai\ tragw|do\s a)nw/malos kai\ a)noikono/mhtos, dia\ to\ a)/gan e)mpaqei=s gra/fein u(poqe/seis kai\ foberoi=s proswpei/ois xrh=sqai: e)do/kei krotei=sqai. e)kwmw|dei=to de\ w(s pa/nu komw=n: dio/per *)/ai+dos kunh=n e)/fh au)to\n kwmw|dikw=s, w(s koureiw=nta.
Aristophanes, Acharnians 388-390 (web address 1 below), with scholia. Modern editors prefer tin to the transmitted th\n, i.e. "a" rather than "the" helmet.)
On Hieronymos son of Xenophantes see also kappa 1768, where he is given similar attributes but, apparently in error, under the headword Kleitos (Clitus). He apparently also wrote comedies and dithyrambs.
[1] See under alpha 675.
[2] The sense of the multi-meaning verb krotei=sqai here is unclear.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; clothing; comedy; daily life; ethics; gender and sexuality; imagery; military affairs; mythology; poetry; proverbs; stagecraft; trade and manufacture; tragedy
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 17 March 2001@23:54:36.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 18 March 2001@03:57:02.
Robert Dyer (added cross reference, raised status) on 25 February 2002@10:16:17.
Elizabeth Vandiver (Added keyword) on 28 September 2005@18:13:50.
Jennifer Benedict (updated link) on 16 March 2008@16:01:31.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 17 March 2008@08:11:06.
David Whitehead (tweaks and cosmetics) on 13 January 2012@09:00:16.
Catharine Roth (upgraded link) on 17 January 2012@00:13:28.
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 1 May 2015@06:48:46.


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