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Headword: Tauropolon
Adler number: tau,165
Translated headword: worshipped at Tauris, drawn by bulls, bull-hunter
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] Artemis, because like a bull she goes around everything, as Apollodorus [writes];[1] Istros in the third [book] of Miscellanies [writes] that [she] drove to every land the bull which had been sent against Hippolytos by Poseidon.[2] But others [say] that [she] struck, whence also [they call her] taurobo/los ["striking bulls"]. And Athena is called Taurobolos[3] in Andros, for when Anios gave a bull to the sons of Atreus, he bade them, wherever they should leap out of the ship, to found [a temple to] Athena, and thus they would have a good voyage. But he leapt out on Andros.[4]
Greek Original:
Tauropolon: tên Artemin: hoti hôs tauros perieisi panta, hôs Apollodôros: Istros d' en g# Ataktôn, hoti ton hupo Poseidônos epipemphthenta Hippolutôi tauron exoistrêsen epi pasan gên. hoi d' hoti ebale, dio kai taurobolon. kai Athêna de Taurobolos en Andrôi: ho gar Anios dous tauron tois Atreidais ekeleusen, hopou an ek tês neôs hallêtai, hidrusasthai Athênan: kai houtôs euploêsein. ho de en Andrôi exêlato.
Likewise or similarly in other lexica; references at Photius tau78, where Theodoridis regards the headword epithet itself (accusative case) as quoted from Aristophanes, Lysistrata 447.
[1] FGrH 244 F111(b).
[2] FGrH ['Ister'] 334 F18.
[3] cf. tau 161.
[4] For Andros see generally alpha 2174.
Keywords: aetiology; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; mythology; religion; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 17 November 2013@02:26:02.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (tweaked and augmented notes; another keyword) on 18 November 2013@03:46:19.
David Whitehead on 7 January 2014@05:47:47.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 2 April 2014@16:26:38.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 28 June 2022@17:21:24.


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