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Headword: Oidipous
Adler number: omicroniota,34
Translated headword: Oedipus, Oidipous
Vetting Status: high
Laius, king of Thebes, got a wife Jocasta,[1] who bore him a son Oedipus. After he was born, the father received an oracle saying that the son would sleep with his own mother; and he ordered him to be thrown out onto the mountain[side] and his feet enclosed in wood. A farmer named Meliboeus found him and raised him[2] and named him Oidipous [Swell-foot] because he had his feet [podes] swollen by the wood, the so-called kouspos.[3] Once he grew to manhood he became a robber. At this point the so-called Sphinx[4] appeared, a woman hideous and beastly in form, for having got rid of her(?) man and having clenched her hand and having seized some difficult terrain, she would murder those who passed by. So Oedipus, after hatching a clever scheme, joined himself in piracy with her. Then waiting for the time which he wanted, he took her in an ambush, and those with her. The dumbstruck Thebans acclaimed him as their king. Laios got mad at them and made war against them but after being hit in the head by a rock he died. Jocasta was then afraid she would lose her monarchy so she led Oedipus in and appointed him as king. She became his wife, ignorant that she was also his mother. She bore him two sons, Eteocles and Polyneices; but later on when she learned that he was her son, she told this to her child. When he heard that he took some nails and after fixing them in his eyes he died, leaving the kingdom to his two sons, who ruled for one year. But once they conceived a hatred of each other, they made war against each other, and Polyneices, pursued by Eteocles, went to Argos [Myth, Place] and married the daughter of king Adrastus. Then he went on a campaign against Thebes and in single combat with Eteocles he slew him dead and he was himself slain by him; their allies then retired home.
Greek Original:
Oidipous: Laïos, ho Thêbôn basileus, esche gunaika Iokastên, ex hês gegonen autôi pais Oidipous. toutou gennêthentos, chrêsmon elaben ho patêr, hoti têi idiai autou mêtri migêsetai ho pais: kai keleuei auton eis oros rhiphênai kai xulôi perikleisthênai tous podas autou: hon heurêkôs geôrgos onomati Meliboios anethrepsato kai Oidipoda ônomase dia to ônkômenous echein tous podas hupo tou xulou, tou kaloumenou kouspou. gegonôs de andreios elêisteue: kath' hon chronon kai hê legomenê Sphinx anephanê, gunê duseidês kai thêriôdês tên phusin, apobalousa gar ton andra kai sunagagousa cheira kai topon katalabousa dusbaton tous pariontas ephoneuen. ho oun Oidipous deinon ti bouleusamenos didôsin heauton met' autês lêisteuein: kai epitêrêsas kairon hon êbouleto, lonchêi anairei autên kai tous met' autês. hoi de Thêbaioi thaumasantes anaboôsin auton basilea. ho goun Laïos aganaktêsas kat' autôn toutois epagei polemon kai lithôi blêtheis tên kephalên teleutai. hê de Iokastê phoboumenê tês basileias ekpesein agei ton Oidipoda kai cheirotonei basilea: kai ginetai toutou gunê, agnoousa hoti mêtêr autou estin. esche de ap' autou huious duo, Eteoklea kai Poluneikê: husteron de touto mathousa, hoti huios autês estin, eipen auto tôi paidi. ho de akousas elaben hêlous kai pêxas tois ophthalmois autou eteleuta, easas tên basileian tois duo huiesin, hoi ebasileuon par' eniauton: kai eis echthran elthontes epolemêsan allêlois, kai ediôchthê hupo Eteokleous kai apelthôn Poluneikês eis to Argos egême tou basileôs Adrastou tên thugatera kai strateusas êlthen epi tas Thêbas kai monomachêsas Eteoklei anairei auton kai autos anêirethê hup' autou: hoi de summachoi anestraphêsan oikoi.
See generally OCD(4) 1033-4. The Suda's version of this famous myth comes from late historiography; comparanda in John of Antioch and John Malalas.
[1] iota 410.
[2] mu 502.
[3] See under pi 1847.
[4] sigma 1747. See generally OCD(4) 1393-4.
Keywords: agriculture; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; historiography; medicine; military affairs; mythology; tragedy; women
Translated by: Ross Scaife ✝ on 22 March 2002@14:39:46.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added notes and keyword) on 11 April 2002@05:38:48.
William Hutton (cosmetics) on 29 May 2003@13:14:21.
David Whitehead (added x-ref; augmented keywords) on 30 May 2003@03:07:19.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 2 October 2005@11:01:56.
David Whitehead (another note; more keywords; cosmetics) on 5 August 2013@05:24:39.
David Whitehead on 5 August 2014@04:05:15.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 17 March 2021@23:24:36.


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