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Adler number: nu,42
Translated headword: Narses
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A general of [the] Romans; exceptionally intelligent, and energetic and capable of responding to any eventuality. He had little education and had not been schooled in the disciplines of oratory; on the other hand he had an outstanding natural talent and could convey well in speech what he had decided to do -- and all this despite being a eunuch and someone brought up in the soft ways of the imperial court. He was short in physical stature and unusually thin; nevertheless his courage and magnificence attained heights which beggared belief. He lived under Justinian.[1]
Greek Original:Narsês, stratêgos Rhômaiôn, emphrôn es ta malista kai drastêrios kai deinos harmosasthai tôi parempiptonti. kai paideias men autôi ou ti mala metên, oude ta tês euglôttias epephrontisto: phuseôs de hoge dexiotêti dieprepe kai parastêsai hoios te ên logôi ta bebouleumena, kai tauta tomias ge ôn kai en tois basileiois trupherôtata anatethrammenos. ên de ara kai to sôma brachus kai en ischnotêti ekdediêitêmenos: to de andreion kai megalourgon es tosouton ekektêto hoson amelei kai apisteisthai. ên de epi Ioustinianou.
From (after the introductory identifier)
Histories 1.16.1-2; cf.
tau 753, PLRE IIIb s.v. Narses(1), and Frendo (24).
For Narses see also under
alpha 112,
alpha 2394,
alpha 4094,
beta 490,
delta 579,
epsilon 917,
epsilon 2328,
epsilon 2361,
epsilon 3550,
theta 99,
pi 1234,
pi 2311,
pi 3225,
sigma 1303 (also
alpha 2158, without his name).
iota 446.
J.R. Martindale, The Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire, vol. IIIb, (Cambridge, 1992)
J.D. Frendo, trans., Agathias: The Histories, (Berlin 1975)
Keywords: biography; chronology; ethics; gender and sexuality; historiography; history; medicine; military affairs; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 10 August 2009@04:47:49.
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