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Search results for mu,1317 in Adler number:
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Headword: Môkia
Adler number: mu,1317
Translated headword: mockery, ridicule
Vetting Status: high
Also [sc. attested is] 'Mocisian' cistern, which Anastasius the Two-Pupiled built.[1]
Greek Original:
Môkia. kai Môkisia kinsterna, hên ektisen Anastasios ho Dikoros.
The unglossed headword has nothing to do with the body of the entry (but cf. generally mu 1316).
[1] From kappa 1648; see also alpha 2077.
Keywords: architecture; biography; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; food; history; science and technology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 8 May 2008@16:59:11.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified keywords) on 9 May 2008@03:05:54.
David Whitehead (changed headword; augmented notes) on 9 May 2008@03:09:46.
David Whitehead on 28 May 2013@04:04:07.


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