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Headword: Moriai
Adler number: mu,1248
Translated headword: moriai
Vetting Status: high
[The term for] sacred olive-trees of Athena, from which the oil was given as a prize to the victors in the Panathenaea.[1] They were at first 12 in number, those which had been transplanted from the acropolis to the Academy. Or named thus from the fate [moros] and the murder of Halirrothios, or because all Athenians distributed and shared out the oil from them.[3]
Of the trunk of the moria is called an olive-stump.[4] Lysias [writes]: "[the prosecutor says that in the year when Souniades] was archon an olive-stump had been uprooted by me."[5]
Trees had been planted in the gymnasium. It was customary for the athletes having anointed themselves to run in the sun. Aristophanes [writes]: "but going down into the Academy, you will run under the sacred olives ..."[6]
Greek Original:
Moriai: elaiai hierai tês Athênas, ex hôn to elaion epathlon edidoto tois nikôsi ta Panathênaia. êsan de prôtai ib# ton arithmon, hai metaphuteutheisai ek tês akropoleôs eis Akadêmian. êtoi apo tou morou kai tou phonou tou Halirrothiou onomastheisai, houtôs ê hoti enemonto kai emerizonto to elaion to ex autôn Athênaioi hapantes. tês de morias tou stelechou sêkos kaleitai. Lusias: archontos sêkon hup' emou ekkekophthai. epephuteuto de en tôi gumnasiôi dendrê. ethos de tois askoumenois aleipsamenois en tôi hêliôi trechein. Aristophanês: all' eis Akadêmian katiôn hupo tais moriais apothrexeis.
[1] On the Athenians' Panathenaea festival, see generally pi 151, pi 152.
[2] On the Academy, see generally alpha 774, alpha 775.
[3] This paragraph is also in Photius (mu529 Theodoridis); and cf. the scholia on Sophocles, Oedipus at Colonus 701 (web address 1). On Halirrothios, see alpha 1243, alpha 3838. A son of Poseidon and Euryte, he attempted by violence to seduce Alcippe, the daughter of Ares and Agraulos, but he was taken by surprise by Ares, who killed him (Apollodorus 3.14.2; Euripides, Electra 1261; Pindar, Olympian 11.73.).
[4] Wentzel attributed this paragraph to a rhetorical source; be that as it may, its first part (before the quotation of Lysias) is corrupt, and the editio princeps of the Suda printed e)kei/nhs o( ste/lexos.
[5] Lysias 7.11 (Defense in the Matter of the Olive-Stump): web address 2.
[6] Aristophanes, Clouds 1005 (web address 3), with scholion; cf. alpha 774.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2,
Web address 3
Keywords: aetiology; athletics; botany; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; law; mythology; religion; rhetoric; tragedy
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 31 May 2009@01:44:23.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 31 May 2009@05:01:44.
David Whitehead (tweaking) on 27 May 2013@04:56:24.
Catharine Roth (upgraded links) on 2 June 2013@00:17:19.


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