Search results for epsilon,901 in Adler number:
Headword: Ellouroi Adler number: epsilon,901 Translated headword: Ellourians, Ellurians, Helourians, Heruli, Heruls Vetting Status: high Translation:
A people.
Greek Original:
Ellouroi: ethnikon.
Scythian, according to Stephanus of Byzantium, citing Dexippus (where the name is spelled with a single lambda and a rough breathing). In fact better and more authentically known as the Heruli/Heruls; cf. under sigma 703.
William Hutton (added headword, set status) on 7 June 2003@08:26:24. David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 4 January 2005@04:23:35. David Whitehead (augmented heaword and noted) on 27 August 2010@09:49:59. David Whitehead on 29 July 2011@06:50:47.