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Headword: Dithurambos
Adler number: delta,1030
Translated headword: dithyramb
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] a hymn to Dionysus.[1]
"Apollonius practised a form of discourse not dithyrambic and swollen with poetic expressions."[2]
Greek Original:
Dithurambos: humnos eis Dionuson. ho de Apollônios logôn idean epêskei ou tên dithurambôdê kai phlegmainousan poiêtikois onomasi.
We have only fragments of these cult choral songs (see OCD(4) 469). Arion [Author, Myth] (alpha 3886) was its alleged founder as a literary genre. Many believe that it was the ancestor of Athenian tragedy, also performed at festivals of Dionysus (see Bibliography). Our largest fragments are by the well-known poets Bacchylides (beta 59: see web address 1, and click on the right arrow to continue through the surviving fragments) and Pindar (pi 1617); but see also Sutton's collection.
[1] Likewise in Timaeus' Platonic Lexicon and in Glosses on Herodotus 1.23; similarly in the scholia to Plato, Republic 394C.
[2] Philostratus, Life of Apollonius of Tyana 1.17; quoted at greater length at kappa 912.
For a list of the poets of the "new dithyramb" and the attacks of the comic playwrights on their empty, bombastic style and daring music see delta 1029, kappa 2647, and Bibliography.
Dithyrambi Graeci, ed. Dana F. Sutton (1989)
Pickard-Cambridge, A.W. Dithyramb, Tragedy and Comedy, 2nd. edn. rev. T.B.L. Webster (1962)
Zimmermann, B. Dithyrambos (Hypomnemata 98, 1992)
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; comedy; mythology; poetry; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: Robert Dyer on 12 January 2002@15:49:26.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added keyword; cosmetics) on 5 September 2002@07:47:34.
David Whitehead (another keyword; cosmetics) on 10 July 2012@05:43:50.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 1 August 2014@08:10:41.
David Whitehead (another note; coding and other cosmetics) on 9 November 2015@05:11:01.


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