CS 499 Assignment 1

Answer the following questions:

1.    The CS subjects (for example, mobile programming, database, web programming/design, coding a solution to a problem, hardware/software problems, etc.) you enjoy. Also include relevant work experience. Important skills for CS 499 to list:

2.    The CS subjects you dislike

3.    From the list of projects, list your top four preferences (by project number) in order, and describe why you want to be on this project. “No preference” is an acceptable answer.

For questions 1 and 2, provide a minimum of one paragraph. For question 3, one paragraph per listed project. If you list less than four projects, I will assume that you have "no preference" after the listed projects, but see note below.

You can also list students that you want to work with (but see below).

The assignment is not due until end of day January 22. If you submit your project requests, then change your mind, you can resubmit the assignment. The last submission is used by the instructor.

Note: The instructor tries his best to fulfill student requests. However it may not be possible for all students:

The algorithm that the instructor uses to assign students to projects weighs the factors (in priority order):

1. Student preferences

2. Section (Match students together on a project in the same section when possible. The instructor tries to leave one class day a week open to the students (no formal class) starting in February.)

3. Skills/Likes/Dislikes

4. Preferred students to work with

The instructor makes the final determination of student assignments to projects. In Spring 2017, out of 60 students, 70% got their 1st or 2nd choice, even though four projects had 8 or 9 students selecting it as their 1st choice.

Submit this assignment via the csportal submission page in HTML format only.

 For full credit for this assignment,it must be submitted by end of day Monday January 22 in one via csportal. If submission not submitted until Tuesday January 23, 50% deduction. After that, you get 0 for this assignment. If you change your mind, you can still resubmit by January 22 for full credit. I start look at submissions on January 23.

You will receive a 50% deduction by not following directions:

  1. Provide projects by project number

  2. Provide a minimum of a paragraph per question as described above

  3. Not submitting an HTML format file

Submit late, and not follow directions: zero