// include file for Canvas

#include << GL/glut.h>
#include << math.h>
#include << iostream.h>

// << Support Classes for Canvas >>
class Point2   //single point w/ floating point coordinates
    Point2() {x = y = 0.0f;} //constructor 1
    Point2(float xx, float yy) {x=xx; y=yy;} //constructor 2
    void set(float xx, float yy) {x=xx; y=yy;}
    float getX() {return x;}
    float getY() {return y;}
    void draw(void) {
        glBegin(GL_POINTS); //draw this point
        glVertex2f((GLfloat)x, (GLfloat)y);
     float x, y;

class IntRect {
//aligned rectangle with integer coordinates, used for viewport
    IntRect() {l = 0; r=100; b=0; t=100;} //constructors
    IntRect(int left, int right, int bottom, int top)
        {l = left; r=right; b=bottom; t=top;}
    void set(int left, int right, int bottom, int top) {
        l=left; r=right; b=bottom; t=top;
    void draw(void) { //draw this rectangle using OpenGL
        glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); //draw this polygon
        glVertex2i(l, b);
        glVertex2i(r, b);
        glVertex2i(r, t);
        glVertex2i(l, t);
        glVertex2i(l, b);
    int getL(void) { return l; }
    int getR(void) { return r; }
    int getT(void) { return t; }
    int getB(void) { return b; }

    int l, r, b, t;

class RealRect {
//simlar to IntRect but w/ floating points & used for world window
    RealRect() {l = 0; r=100; b=0; t=100;} //constructors
    RealRect(float left, float right, float bottom, float top)
        {l = left; r=right; b=bottom; t=top;}
    void set(float left, float right, float bottom, float top)
        { l=left; r=right; b=bottom; t=top; }
    float getL(void) { return l; }
    float getR(void) { return r; }
    float getT(void) { return t; }
    float getB(void) { return b; }
    void draw(void) { //draw this rectangle using OpenGL
        glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); //draw this polygon
        glVertex2f(l, b);
        glVertex2f(r, b);
        glVertex2f(r, t);
        glVertex2f(l, t);
        glVertex2f(l, b);
    float l, r, b, t;


class Canvas {
    Canvas(int width, int height, char* windowTitle); //constructor
    void setWindow(float l, float r, float b, float t);
    void setViewport(int l, int r, int b, int t);
    IntRect getViewport(void); //divulge the viewport data
    RealRect getWindow(void); // divulge the window data
    float getWindowAspectRatio(void);
    void clearScreen();
    void setBackgroundColor(float r, float g, float b);
    void setColor(float r, float g, float b);
    void lineTo(float x, float y);
    void lineTo(Point2 p);
    void lineRel(float dx, float dy);
    void moveTo(float x, float y);
    void moveTo(Point2 p);
    void moveRel(float dx, float dy);

    Point2 CP;         //current position in the world
    IntRect viewport;  //the current viewport
    RealRect window;   //the current window


//changes current point
void Canvas:: moveTo(float x, float y) { CP.set(x, y); }

//draws a line from current point to new point
void Canvas:: lineTo(float x, float y) {
    glVertex2f((GLfloat) CP.getX(), (GLfloat) CP.getY());
    glVertex2f((GLfloat) x, (GLfloat) y); //draw the line
    CP.set (x, y); //update current point to new point

void Canvas:: setWindow (float l, float r, float b, float t) {
    glMatrixMode (GL_PROJECTION);
    gluOrtho2D ((GLdouble)l, (GLdouble)r, (GLdouble)b, (GLdouble)t);
    window.set (l, r, b, t);

void Canvas:: setViewport (int l, int r, int b, int t) {
    glViewport(l, b, r-l, t-b);
    viewport.set (l, r, b, t);

IntRect Canvas:: getViewport(void) { return viewport; }

RealRect Canvas:: getWindow(void) { return window; }

void Canvas:: clearScreen(void) { glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); }

void Canvas:: setBackgroundColor(float r, float g, float b) {
    glClearColor(r, g, b, 0.0);
    //4th variable level of transparency, may need to change

void Canvas:: setColor(float r, float g, float b) {
	glColor3f(r, g, b);

void Canvas:: lineTo(Point2 p) {
    glBegin (GL_LINES);
    glVertex2f((GLfloat) CP.getX(), (GLfloat) CP.getY());
    glVertex2f((GLfloat) p.getX(), (GLfloat) p.getY());
    CP.set(p.getX(), p.getY());

Canvas:: Canvas(int width, int height, char* windowTitle) {
    char* argv[1];  //dummy argument list for glutinit()
    char dummyString[8];
    argv[0] = dummyString;  //hook up the pointer
    int argc = 1;

    glutInit(&argc, argv);
    glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_SINGLE | GLUT_RGB);
    glutInitWindowSize(width, height);
    glutInitWindowPosition (20,20);
    glutCreateWindow (windowTitle);
    setWindow(0, (float)width, 0, (float)height); // default world window
    setViewport (0, width, 0, height); //default viewport
    CP.set(0.0f, 0.0f); //initialize the CP to (0,0)

void Canvas:: moveTo(Point2 p)  //moves current point CP to point p object
    float x1, y1;
    x1 = p.getX();
    y1 = p.getY();
    CP.set(x1, y1);

float Canvas:: getWindowAspectRatio(void) {
//calculates aspect ratio of world window
    float width, height, aspectRatio;
    width = window.getR() - window.getL();
    height = window.getT() - window.getB();
    aspectRatio = width/height;
    return aspectRatio;

void Canvas:: moveRel(float dx, float dy) {
	CP.set(CP.getX() + dx, CP.getY() + dy);

void Canvas:: lineRel(float dx, float dy) {
    float x = CP.getX() + dx, y = CP.getY() + dy;
    lineTo(x, y);
    CP.set(x, y);

//Canvas cvs(640, 480, "try out Canvas"); //global canvas object