Planning in the blocks world

This is a standard AI problem.  Several blocks are placed on a table in stacks - each block is located either on the table or on another block, no block is placed on two other blocks or on a block and the table in the same time, no two blocks are placed directly on the same block . These blocks need to be rearranged to a given goal configuration. This goal configuration satisfies the same constraints as the initial one. A legal move consists of picking the top block from some stack and placing it on top of another stack or on the table.


  1. The initial configuration must be completely specified. The goal configuration may possibly be given only a partial specification.
  2. Two versions of the problem are of interest depending on whether concurrent actions are allowed.


  1. An initial configuration. Blocks are represented as integers 0, 1, 2, ... . The configuration is given in terms of ground atoms of the form "on0(a,b)". The meaning of atom "on0(a,b)" is: at time 0 block a is directly on top of block b).
  2. A goal configuration (possibly an incomplete description). The configuration is given in terms of a list of ground atoms of the form "onF(a,b)". The meaning of atom "onF(a,b)" is: the goal is to have a directly on top of block b.

OUTPUT: A set of actions that transform initial configuration into the  goal configuration.


  1. dl.c     15 blocks 1, 2, ..., 15 (derived from a  data set posted at SATLIB)
  2. dl.d     17 blocks 1, 2, ..., 17 (derived from a  data set posted at SATLIB)